"Almost Famous" / Founded 2010 / East Coast / Stayin' Classy

Posts tagged “mk5

First Class Fitment Princeton, NJ

Photo Courtesy of Canibeat.com

As the colder months approach us, meets and gatherings naturally taper off. Cars are taken off the road to hibernate in the garage and winter beaters are called upon to make it through the harsh Northeast winter. This weekend however is First Class Fitment presented by Canibeat.com.  It is one last time to pull out your car and show it off to the massive crowds that will be gathered at Princeton Airport. KeepItFlush will be there to capture the pristine rides that South Jersey has to offer.

EVENT COVERAGE: VW & Audi Water Fest 17

It always turns out that the night before a big car meet/event the Keep It Flush staff always finds their way out to the bars or clubs. With the best intentions of it being an early sober night, it usually never is the case.  The next morning usually consists of the standard issue wake up call or text in which we try to figure out who’s driving and a place to meet up.  A lot of games are typically played at this point at which we tell each other that we are ready to go but in reality are half asleep in bed taking two aspirins. To make matters worse if you’re shot from the night before, the meet/event is usually a hot humid day in which you have to endure running on only a few hours sleep.

Water Fest 17 was no exception but of course when you get to the intended destination, you run on adrenaline and excitement of the event.  Even with a late start to the day, we got to capture images of the nicest VW and Audi’s in the country.  With some enthusiasts coming as far as Canada and California this two-day event never fails to please.  Some might think KIF only caters to the likes of Japanese autos but we like any auto scene that has cars done right.

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